Monday, October 1, 2012

Hey, hey

Hey all,

Of course it's been a while since I've posted. I have fun news though. I recently had a baby and my time has been spent caring for his needs. I've not had the time to do much crafting lately but that's to be expected with all of the changes. I've been making Thank you cards and birthday cards for when I need them. Otherwise I haven't been able to just play around and make something just for fun. I'm going to try and start making more of an effort to take the time to do something crafty.

While I've been up late at night though I keep thinking of all the things that I want to create and do. I want to work on making some layouts and cards, do some sewing, and finish the prayer shawl that I had started knitting. I need to have my creative outlet again and be able to have time for myself. Most of the time whenever I try and work on doing something there's always an interruption. I wonder how those of you with kids find the time to be crafty??? or is it something that you have the time for once the kids have grown up a little?

During my late nights, I have been thinking of how to reorganize my stash. I also have been slowly trying to de-stash. I've been doing that with all of my stuff not just my scrapping stuff. I so want to be able to really organize my stuff and find a home for everything but we're in a rental so half of my stuff is boxed up in the garage. It makes it harder to go through stuff when it's buried under other boxes, haha. Anyway, I want any advice you all have on making time to craft.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. So first of all CONGRATULATIONS on the new babe! I am so happy for you! I hope you are enjoying all of the sweet baby days - I still can't believe how quickly those days went by but I'm glad I soaked them all in when I had the chance. As for the crafty time, it's hit and miss. Sometimes it's easier because she is bigger because she plays independently but other times it's harder because she wants me to play or she needs something else from me. You do manage to find a little time every once in awoke but the key is to be well organized and have a plan. LOL

  2. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. My advice is snuggle with that baby while you can because the time passes oh so quickly! I found when I had a dedicated space where I could leave my stuff out all the time I could grab a few minutes here and there to work on a project but you're not going to have the same kind of time you used to. Its only for a while - it really will pass quickly.
