Thursday, February 25, 2010

Videos Galore!!

I'm about to upload a bunch of videos. I have a haul video and then some of the minis that I created, including my first mini!!!

Hope you enjoy!

Hauls from the past week.

What I have created in the past couple of weeks, including the class last night.

My very first mini! Woohoo!!

This is the mini for my father-in-law.

Mini for my mother-in-law as a thank you surprise.

Mini created from a Me & My Big Ideas kit.

1 comment:

  1. Nice minis.
    Aren't they the funnest, yup thats a word haha.
    You asked about the size of my mine albums. My blue one is 6.5x5 , the pink one is 6x4. i don't like to go wider then 5 as then the chipboard (or here they call it book board) won't fit through my xyron machine.
